Short Biography
Amy Hooton, Scottish artist born Edinburgh 1980. MA Fine Art (Hons) from Edinburgh University and College of Art in 2003. During a travelling trip to Asia post college, painting became my obsession. Highly inspired by Chinese abstract ink landscapes, and combining this fascination with previous experience of working with a Batik artist in Yogjakarta, Indonesia. I undertook a residency at the Vermont Studio Center, USA, in May 2005, where I developed the beginnings of my style you see today.
15 years on I am a specialist in drawing and painting using water based mediums. I draw and paint across many themes, inspired by nature, existence, emotions and moods. My other artistic influences include Kandinski and Klimt.
Over the years I have exhibited in numerous locations at art fairs across the UK, and overseas in San Francisco. My work is available to see in Stick Factory, Edinburgh. I also exhibit in various charity exhibitions across Scotland and take part in the annual Three Harbours Art Festival in East Lothian.
Always updating my online gallery and shop at www.amyhooton.com
Artist Exhibition Statement
What is this world we live in? How is it possible that a West Scottish coastline that I have returned to, and painted a hundred times in my life, has never changed; yet chaos is constantly reshaping the world around us? Where is the medium? And what shall that medium be? For me, it's Art.
"Colour is a means of exerting direct influence on the soul." Kandinski
You will tell from my art, that I like colour. I find colour exciting, the blending of colours obsessional. Like a mad scientist desperately wanting a new discovery, I mix and separate across the mediums to create my own style of painting. I have spent years perfecting a multi-staged process that is unique, intriguing, semi-autonomous, complex yet simple, but most importantly colourful! Art is for observing so i enjoy giving the viewer plenty to absorb. So keep an eye out for the small details hidden within the paintings!
I have been an artist since my teenage years. I left school a sculptor. All my creations up till that point was created in three dimensions. Naturally, I studied Sculpture at Edinburgh Art College for 5 years and it was there that i discovered my love of the "process" in art making. I finished my degree and applied for a residency in Vermont, USA, to further my studies. As the residency was not due to start for another 18 months, I decided to take the long road in getting there, which lead me down a different path I did not expect.
That road lead me through China, Indonesia and other South East Asian countries. From Indonesian Batik to Laos weaving, Buddhist temple art to Chinese Ink paintings, I loved the different styles particular to each country and culture. Whilst staying in China i was introduced to Naruo, a Na'xi artist friend of the family, who shared the art studio in my cousin's basement. He showed me his technique, I showed him mine. I would watch him produce bodies of work that were fluid, organic and spontaneous. It was in that studio in Beijing that i discovered the beginnings of my own "process".
Discovering Painting made me reassess where my art was going and having worked with sculpture for years I found the constraints of space, gravity and planning, required to create 3D works, hemmed me in creatively. By the time i arrived in Vermont for my residency, I headed into the painting studio, instead of the sculpture studio.
"A true artist can turn any mistake into a masterpiece" unknown
Painting is my passion, it allows me to artistically express myself at any given moment, with spontaneity. When i drew in college, I was obsessed with negative spaces and lines, spotting patterns in everything around me, from the microscopic to the megascopic. In my painting, similar visual tendencies usher me back to finding the microscopic details found within the ink.
When I'm not painting, i have a part time self employed business in lettings . In 2010 my son Hunter was born, followed by a daughter, Talyn in 2012. I live a creative existence, making art daily, teaching art, I take photographs, I practice yoga and play violin Edinburgh's well established Meadow’s Chamber Orchestra.
Many thanks for visiting my website…
Amy Hooton