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The Earth swallowed me!

Oh my word... Where did I go for the last few months?! You must all be thinking the earth swallowed Amy?

Please forgive me, I may have been rubbish at keeping up with my blog but I didn't get swallowed by the earth. It has been the busiest 6 months and I simply have not had time to do everything I wanted to do. But I'm back. Although I didn't really go anywhere... Except, Argyll and Spain. And I was very busy, changing my day job, appearing at Art festivals in Port Seton, Golden wedding events, 40th birthdays, 80th birthdays, family reunions, and my baby girl started School! So now I have a p3 boy and a p1 girl in School. And I've found a new routine which includes more art days every week than I have ever had. It's fabulous. And here are some of my recent paintings!

Following the amazing art festival experience in Port Seton. I've been asked to speak at the North Berwick Art club and I've been busy sorting out a set of images to show everyone where I've come from with my painting. The process has taken me down memory lane and I've even found my art college art slides. Where can I get them digitalised? It's amazing to see how much my work has developed over the years. It's pretty mind boggling...

Looking backwards is fun but looking forward is exciting too. I have not one but TWO big solo shows next year, one after the other, so I have lots more painting to do...

Wish me luck with the public speaking!

Amy xx

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